
To model a whole cell, we need to simulate processes running concurrently and interacting with each other. For example, we might want to model the synthesis of ATP by a metabolism process concurrently with the consumption of ATP by a transport process such as a sodium pump. In Vivarium, we model this by creating a compartment.


Below we see an overview of the topics we will discuss in this document. Processes and stores are combined to form compartments as shown in panel B, and these compartments form a tree known as the hierarchy and shown in panel C.

A figure with 3 panels lettered A through C. In panel A, we see a red database symbol labeled "store" and with the text "variable values, units, mass, children, emitters, dividers, updaters" within it. Below, a yellow rectangle labeled "process" contains the text "variable names, parameters, mechanisms." A black line extending from the rectangle is labeled "port". In panel B, we see a blue square labeled "compartment". Inside are two stores and two processes, with the lower store connected to the ports of both processes, and the upper store connected only to the top process. A store outside the square labeled "boundary" is connected to a port of the upper process. In panel C, 4 compartments form a tree with one compartment at the top level and one at the bottom level. The tree's edges are formed by black lines to boundary stores.

The relationships between stores, processes (panel A), and compartments (panel B) in the tree (panel C).

Processes and Stores

A compartment models cellular functions running concurrently. We model each of these functions as a process in the compartment. To let these processes interact, for example by producing and consuming a shared resource like ATP, the processes share parts of the state, called stores. Each store is a collection of variables such as cytoplasmic ATP concentration, and in the compartment we define which process operates on which stores using a topology.

In our ATP example, we might assign a “cytoplasm” store to both the metabolism and sodium pump processes. Now when we simulate the compartment, the metabolism and sodium pump processes will be changing the same variable, the ATP concentration in the cytoplasm store. This means that if the rate of metabolism decreases, the cytoplasmic ATP concentration variable will drop, so the sodium pump will export less sodium. Thus, shared stores in composites let us simulate interacting concurrent processes.

Process and Store Implementation


We write processes as classes that inherit from vivarium.core.process.Process. To create a compartment, we create instances of these classes to make the processes we want to compose. If a process is configurable, we might provide a dictionary of configuration options. For information on configuring a process, see the process’s documentation, e.g. vivarium.processes.ode_expression.ODE_expression.

We uniquely name each process in the compartment. This lets us include instances of the same process class.


We represent stores with the vivarium.core.experiment.Store class; see its documentation for further details.


To see the data held by a store, you can use the vivarium.core.experiment.Store.get_config() function. This returns a dictionary representation of the store’s data. To show this dictionary more readably, use vivarium.library.pretty.format_dict().

Ports Make Processes Modular

We don’t want process creators to worry about what kind of compartment someone will use their processes in. Conversely, if you are creating a compartment, you should be able to use any processes you like, even if they weren’t written with your use case in mind. Vivarium achieves this modularity with ports.

Each process has a list of named ports, one for each store it expects. The process can perform all its computations in terms of these ports, and the process also provides its update using port names. This means that a compartment can apply each process to any collection of stores, making processes modular.

This modularity is analogous to the modularity of Python functions. Think of each process as a function like this:

def sodium_pump(cytoplasm, extracellularSpace):
    return "Update: Decrease ATP concentration in cytoplasm by x mM"

A function’s modularity comes from the fact that we can pass in different objects for the cytoplasm parameter, even objects the function authors hadn’t thought of. cytoplasm is like the port, to which we can provide any store we like.

How Processes Define Ports

A process specifies its port names in its constructor by calling the superclass (vivarium.core.process.Process) constructor. For example, the vivarium.processes.convenience_kinetics.ConvenienceKinetics class contains this line:

super(ConvenienceKinetics, self).__init__(ports, parameters)

The ports variable takes the form of a dictionary with port names as keys and lists of variable names as values. For example, if ports looked like this:

    'cytoplasm': ['ATP', 'sodium'],
    'extracellular': ['sodium']

then the process would be declaring that it cares about the ATP and sodium variables in the cytoplasm port and the sodium variable in the extracellular port. When the process is asked to provide an update to the model state, it is only provided the variables it specifies. For example, it might get a model state like this:

    'cytoplasm': {
        'ATP': 5.0,
        'sodium': 1e-2,
    'extracellular': {
        'sodium': 1e-1,

This would happen even if the store linked to the cytoplasm port contained more variables. We call this stripping-out of variables the process doesn’t need masking.


How do we specify which store goes with which port? To continue the function analogy from above, we need something analogous to this:

cell = Cell()
bloodVessel = BloodVessel()
# We need something like the line below
update = sodium_pump(cytoplasm=cell, extracellularSpace=bloodVessel)

When we call sodium_pump, we specify which objects go with which parameters. Analogously, we specify the mapping between ports and stores using a topology.

Defining Topologies

We define topologies as dictionaries with process names as keys and dictionaries (termed “sub-dictionaries”) as values. These sub-dictionaries have port names as keys and store names as values. For example, the topology for the ATP example we have been considering might look like this:

    'sodium_pump': {
        'cytoplasm': 'cell',
        'extracellularSpace': 'bloodVessel',
    'metabolism': {
        'cytoplasm': 'cell',

Example Compartment

To put all this information together, let’s take a look at an example compartment that combines the glucose phosphorylation process from the process-writing tutorial with vivarium.processes.injector, which lets us “inject” molecules into a store.

class InjectedGlcPhosphorylation(Compartment):

        defaults = {
                'glucose_phosphorylation': {
                        'k_cat': 1e-2,
                'injector': {
                        'substrate_rate_map': {
                                'GLC': 1e-4,
                                'ATP': 1e-3,

        def __init__(self, config):
                self.config = self.defaults

        def generate_processes(self, config):
                injector = Injector(self.config['injector'])
                glucose_phosphorylation = GlucosePhosphorylation(

                return {
                        'injector': injector,
                        'glucose_phosphorylation': glucose_phosphorylation,

        def generate_topology(self, config):
                return {
                        'injector': {
                                'internal': ('internal', ),
                        'glucose_phosphorylation': {
                                'cytoplasm': ('cell', ),
                                'nucleoside_phosphates': ('cell', ),
                                'global': ('global', ),

Notice how we use the generate_processes function to create a dictionary that maps process names to instantiated and configured process objects. Similarly, we use generate_topology to create a dictionary that maps port names to stores.

You may wonder why we identify stores with tuples. In more complex compartments, these tuples could contain many elements that specify a kind of file path. We represent the total model state as a tree, and we can create a store at any node to represent the sub-tree rooted at that node. This tree is analogous to directory trees on a filesystem, and we use tuples of store names to specify a path through this tree. We call this tree the hierarchy, and we discuss it in more detail in the hierarhcy guide.

Compartment Interactions

Even though compartments represent segregated sub-models, they still need to interact. We model these interactions using boundary stores between compartments. For example, the boundary store between a cell and its environment might track the flux of metabolites between the cell and environment compartments.

When compartments are nested, these boundary stores also exist between the inner and the outer compartment. Thus nested compartments form a tree whose nodes are compartments and whose edges are boundary stores. A node’s parent is its outer compartment, while its children are the compartments within it.

Since boundary stores can also exist between compartments who share a parent, you may find it useful to think of compartments and their boundary stores as a bigraph (not a bipartite graph) where the tree denotes nesting and all the edges (including those in the tree) represent boundary stores.