Source code for vivarium.compartments.gene_expression

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import copy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
import networkx as nx

from vivarium.core.process import Generator
from vivarium.core.composition import (
from vivarium.library.make_network import save_network
from vivarium.library.units import units
from vivarium.library.dict_utils import deep_merge

# processes
from import amino_acids
from vivarium.processes.tree_mass import TreeMass
from vivarium.processes.transcription import Transcription, UNBOUND_RNAP_KEY
from vivarium.processes.translation import Translation, UNBOUND_RIBOSOME_KEY
from vivarium.processes.degradation import RnaDegradation
from vivarium.processes.complexation import Complexation
from vivarium.processes.division_volume import DivisionVolume
from import amino_acids
from import nucleotides
from vivarium.states.chromosome import toy_chromosome_config

NAME = 'gene_expression'

[docs]class GeneExpression(Generator): defaults = { 'global_path': ('global',), 'initial_mass': 1339.0 * units.fg, 'time_step': 1.0, 'transcription': {}, 'translation': {}, 'degradation': {}, 'complexation': {}, } def __init__(self, config): super(GeneExpression, self).__init__(config)
[docs] def generate_processes(self, config): transcription_config = config['transcription'] translation_config = config['translation'] degradation_config = config['degradation'] complexation_config = config['complexation'] # update timestep transcription_config.update({'time_step': config['time_step']}) translation_config.update({'time_step': config['time_step']}) degradation_config.update({'time_step': config['time_step']}) complexation_config.update({'time_step': config['time_step']}) # make the processes transcription = Transcription(transcription_config) translation = Translation(translation_config) degradation = RnaDegradation(degradation_config) complexation = Complexation(complexation_config) mass_deriver = TreeMass(config.get('mass_deriver', { 'initial_mass': config['initial_mass']})) division = DivisionVolume(config) return { 'mass_deriver': mass_deriver, 'transcription': transcription, 'translation': translation, 'degradation': degradation, 'complexation': complexation, 'division': division}
[docs] def generate_topology(self, config): global_path = config['global_path'] return { 'mass_deriver': { 'global': global_path}, 'transcription': { 'chromosome': ('chromosome',), 'molecules': ('molecules',), 'proteins': ('proteins',), 'transcripts': ('transcripts',), 'factors': ('concentrations',), 'global': global_path}, 'translation': { 'ribosomes': ('ribosomes',), 'molecules': ('molecules',), 'transcripts': ('transcripts',), 'proteins': ('proteins',), 'concentrations': ('concentrations',), 'global': global_path}, 'degradation': { 'transcripts': ('transcripts',), 'proteins': ('proteins',), 'molecules': ('molecules',), 'global': global_path}, 'complexation': { 'monomers': ('proteins',), 'complexes': ('proteins',), 'global': global_path}, 'division': { 'global': global_path}}
# analysis
[docs]def gene_network_plot(data, out_dir, filename='gene_network'): ''' Make a gene network plot from configuration data - data (dict): { 'operons': operons, the "genes" in a chromosome config with {operon: [genes list]} 'templates': promoters, the "promoters" in a chromosome config with {promoter: {sites: [], thresholds: []}} 'complexes': complexes, stoichiometry from a complexation process. } ''' node_size = 400 node_distance = 30 edge_weight = 1 iterations = 1000 operon_suffix = '_o' tf_suffix = '_tf' promoter_suffix = '_p' gene_suffix = '_g' complex_suffix = '_cxn' # plotting parameters color_legend = { 'operon': [x/255 for x in [199,164,53]], 'gene': [x / 255 for x in [181,99,206]], 'promoter': [x / 255 for x in [110,196,86]], 'transcription_factor': [x / 255 for x in [222,85,80]], 'complex': [x / 255 for x in [153, 204, 255]], } # get data operons = data.get('operons', {}) templates = data.get('templates', {}) complexes = data.get('complexes', {}) # make graph from templates G = nx.Graph() # initialize node lists for graphing operon_nodes = set() gene_nodes = set() promoter_nodes = set() tf_nodes = set() complex_nodes = set() edges = [] # add operon --> gene connections for operon, genes in operons.items(): operon_name = operon + operon_suffix gene_names = [gene + gene_suffix for gene in genes] operon_nodes.add(operon_name) gene_nodes.update(gene_names) G.add_node(operon_name) G.add_nodes_from(gene_names) # set node attributes operon_attrs = {operon_name: {'type': 'operon'}} gene_attrs = {gene: {'type': 'gene'} for gene in gene_names} nx.set_node_attributes(G, operon_attrs) nx.set_node_attributes(G, gene_attrs) # add operon --> gene edge for gene_name in gene_names: edge = (operon_name, gene_name) edges.append(edge) G.add_edge(operon_name, gene_name) # add transcription factor --> promoter --> operon connections for promoter, specs in templates.items(): promoter_name = promoter + promoter_suffix promoter_nodes.add(promoter_name) G.add_node(promoter_name) # set node attributes promoter_attrs = {promoter_name: {'type': 'promoter'}} nx.set_node_attributes(G, promoter_attrs) # get sites and terminators promoter_sites = specs['sites'] terminators = specs['terminators'] # add transcription factors for site in promoter_sites: thresholds = site['thresholds'] for threshold in thresholds: tf_name = threshold + tf_suffix tf_nodes.add(tf_name) G.add_node(tf_name) # set node attributes tf_attrs = {tf_name: {'type': 'transcription_factor'}} nx.set_node_attributes(G, tf_attrs) # connect transcription_factor --> promoter edge = (tf_name, promoter_name) edges.append(edge) G.add_edge(tf_name, promoter_name) # add gene products for site in terminators: products = site['products'] for product in products: operon_name = product + operon_suffix operon_nodes.add(operon_name) G.add_node(operon_name) # set node attributes operon_attrs = {operon_name: {'type': 'operon'}} nx.set_node_attributes(G, operon_attrs) # connect promoter --> operon edge = (promoter_name, operon_name) edges.append(edge) G.add_edge(promoter_name, operon_name) ## add gene product --> complex # first get the sets of complexes and reactants. complex_set = set() monomer_set = set() for complex, stoichiometry in complexes.items(): complex_list = [mol_id for mol_id, coeff in stoichiometry.items() if coeff>0] reactant_list = [mol_id for mol_id, coeff in stoichiometry.items() if coeff<0] complex_set.update(complex_list) monomer_set.update(reactant_list) # complexes are removed from reactants for complex in complex_set: if complex in monomer_set: monomer_set.remove(complex) # add nodes and edges for complex, stoichiometry in complexes.items(): complexes = [mol_id for mol_id, coeff in stoichiometry.items() if coeff>0] reactants = {mol_id: coeff for mol_id, coeff in stoichiometry.items() if coeff<0} assert len(complexes) == 1, 'too many complexes' complex = complexes[0] complex_name = complex + complex_suffix complex_nodes.add(complex_name) G.add_node(complex_name) # set node attributes complex_attrs = {complex_name: {'type': 'complex'}} nx.set_node_attributes(G, complex_attrs) # make edge for reactant, coeff in reactants.items(): # is this reactant a monomer or a complex? if reactant in monomer_set: # TODO -- check that it is actually included in the genes? reactant_name = reactant + gene_suffix elif reactant in complex_set: reactant_name = reactant + complex_suffix # connect reactant --> complex edge = (reactant_name, complex_name) edges.append(edge) G.add_edge(reactant_name, complex_name) # add edges between proteins/complexes and transcription factors that share the same name tf_names = [node.replace(tf_suffix, '') for node in tf_nodes] for node in gene_nodes: gene_name = node.replace(gene_suffix, '') if gene_name in tf_names: tf_node = gene_name + tf_suffix edge = (node, tf_node) edges.append(edge) G.add_edge(node, tf_node) for node in complex_nodes: complex_name = node.replace(complex_suffix, '') if complex_name in tf_names: tf_node = complex_name + tf_suffix edge = (node, tf_node) edges.append(edge) G.add_edge(node, tf_node) # separate out the disconnected graphs subgraphs = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key = len, reverse=True) # make node labels by removing suffix node_labels = {} o_labels = {node: node.replace(operon_suffix,'') for node in operon_nodes} g_labels = {node: node.replace(gene_suffix, '') for node in gene_nodes} p_labels = {node: node.replace(promoter_suffix, '') for node in promoter_nodes} tf_labels = {node: node.replace(tf_suffix, '') for node in tf_nodes} cxn_labels = {node: node.replace(complex_suffix, '') for node in complex_nodes} node_labels.update(o_labels) node_labels.update(g_labels) node_labels.update(p_labels) node_labels.update(tf_labels) node_labels.update(cxn_labels) # save network for use in gephi gephi_nodes = {} gephi_edges = [[node1, node2, edge_weight] for (node1, node2) in edges] for node_id in operon_nodes: gephi_nodes[node_id] = { 'label': o_labels[node_id], 'type': 'operon', 'size': 1} for node_id in gene_nodes: gephi_nodes[node_id] = { 'label': g_labels[node_id], 'type': 'gene', 'size': 1} for node_id in promoter_nodes: gephi_nodes[node_id] = { 'label': p_labels[node_id], 'type': 'promoter', 'size': 1} for node_id in tf_nodes: gephi_nodes[node_id] = { 'label': tf_labels[node_id], 'type': 'transcription factor', 'size': 1} for node_id in complex_nodes: gephi_nodes[node_id] = { 'label': cxn_labels[node_id], 'type': 'complex', 'size': 1} save_network(gephi_nodes, gephi_edges, out_dir) # plot n_rows = len(list(subgraphs)) n_cols = 1 fig = plt.figure(3, figsize=(6*n_cols, 6*n_rows)) grid = plt.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2) for idx, subgraph_nodes in enumerate(subgraphs): ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[idx, 0]) subgraph = G.subgraph(list(subgraph_nodes)) subgraph_node_labels = {node: node_labels[node] for node in subgraph_nodes} # get positions dist = node_distance / (len(subgraph)**0.5) # pos = nx.spring_layout(subgraph, k=dist, iterations=iterations) pos = nx.spring_layout(subgraph, k=dist, scale=20, iterations=iterations) color_map = [] for node in subgraph: type = subgraph.nodes[node]['type'] node_color = color_legend[type] color_map.append(node_color) nx.draw(subgraph, pos, node_size=node_size, node_color=color_map) # edges # colors = list(range(1,len(edges)+1)) nx.draw_networkx_edges(subgraph, pos, # edge_color=colors, width=1.5) nx.draw_networkx_labels(subgraph, pos, labels=subgraph_node_labels, font_size=8) if idx == 0: # make legend legend_elements = [Patch(facecolor=color, label=name) for name, color in color_legend.items()] plt.legend(handles=legend_elements, bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 1.0)) # save figure fig_path = os.path.join(out_dir, filename) plt.figure(3, figsize=(12, 12)) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs]def plot_gene_expression_output(timeseries, config, out_dir='out'): name = config.get('name', 'gene_expression') ports = config.get('ports', {}) molecules = timeseries[ports['molecules']] transcripts = timeseries[ports['transcripts']] proteins = timeseries[ports['proteins']] time = timeseries['time'] # make figure and plot n_cols = 1 n_rows = 5 plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * 6, n_rows * 1.5)) # define subplots ax1 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 1) ax2 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 2) ax3 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 3) ax4 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 4) ax5 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 5) polymerase_ids = [ UNBOUND_RNAP_KEY, UNBOUND_RIBOSOME_KEY] amino_acid_ids = list(amino_acids.values()) nucleotide_ids = list(nucleotides.values()) # plot polymerases for poly_id in polymerase_ids: ax1.plot(time, proteins[poly_id], label=poly_id) ax1.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)) ax1.title.set_text('polymerases') # plot nucleotides for nuc_id in nucleotide_ids: ax2.plot(time, molecules[nuc_id], label=nuc_id) ax2.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)) ax2.title.set_text('nucleotides') # plot molecules for aa_id in amino_acid_ids: ax3.plot(time, molecules[aa_id], label=aa_id) ax3.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(2.0, 0.5)) ax3.title.set_text('amino acids') # plot transcripts for transcript_id, series in transcripts.items(): ax4.plot(time, series, label=transcript_id) ax4.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)) ax4.title.set_text('transcripts') # plot proteins for protein_id in sorted(proteins.keys()): if protein_id != UNBOUND_RIBOSOME_KEY: ax5.plot(time, proteins[protein_id], label=protein_id) ax5.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 0.5)) ax5.title.set_text('proteins') # adjust axes for axis in [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5]: axis.spines['right'].set_visible(False) axis.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax1.set_xticklabels([]) ax2.set_xticklabels([]) ax3.set_xticklabels([]) ax4.set_xticklabels([]) ax5.set_xlabel('time (s)', fontsize=12) # save figure fig_path = os.path.join(out_dir, name) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.5) plt.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight')
# test
[docs]def run_gene_expression(total_time=10, out_dir='out'): timeseries = test_gene_expression(total_time) plot_settings = { 'name': 'gene_expression', 'ports': { 'transcripts': 'transcripts', 'molecules': 'molecules', 'proteins': 'proteins'}} plot_gene_expression_output(timeseries, plot_settings, out_dir) sim_plot_settings = {'max_rows': 25} plot_simulation_output(timeseries, sim_plot_settings, out_dir)
[docs]def test_gene_expression(total_time=10): # load the compartment compartment_config = { 'external_path': ('external',), 'global_path': ('global',), 'agents_path': ('..', '..', 'cells',), 'transcription': { 'sequence': toy_chromosome_config['sequence'], 'templates': toy_chromosome_config['promoters'], 'genes': toy_chromosome_config['genes'], 'promoter_affinities': toy_chromosome_config['promoter_affinities'], 'transcription_factors': ['tfA', 'tfB'], 'elongation_rate': 10.0}, # 'complexation': { # 'monomer_ids': [], # 'complex_ids': [], # 'stoichiometry': {}} } compartment = GeneExpression(compartment_config) molecules = { nt: 1000 for nt in nucleotides.values()} molecules.update({ aa: 1000 for aa in amino_acids.values()}) proteins = { polymerase: 100 for polymerase in [ UNBOUND_RNAP_KEY, UNBOUND_RIBOSOME_KEY]} proteins.update({ factor: 1 for factor in [ 'tfA', 'tfB']}) # simulate settings = { 'timestep': 1, 'total_time': total_time, 'initial_state': { 'proteins': proteins, 'molecules': molecules}} return simulate_compartment_in_experiment(compartment, settings)
if __name__ == '__main__': out_dir = os.path.join(COMPARTMENT_OUT_DIR, NAME) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) run_gene_expression(600, out_dir)