Source code for vivarium.core.emitter

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from pymongo import MongoClient
from confluent_kafka import Producer
import json
import copy
    from urllib.parse import quote_plus  # Python 3
except ImportError:
    from urllib import quote_plus  # Python 2

from vivarium.library.dict_utils import (
    merge_dicts, value_in_embedded_dict, get_path_list_from_dict, \
    get_value_from_path, make_path_dict)



SECRETS_PATH = 'secrets.json'

[docs]def delivery_report(err, msg): """ This is a utility method passed to the Kafka Producer to handle the delivery of messages sent using `send(topic, message)`. """ if err is not None: print('message delivery failed: {}'.format(msg)) print('failed message: {}'.format(err))
[docs]def create_indexes(table, columns): '''Create all of the necessary indexes for the given table name.''' for column in columns: table.create_index(column)
[docs]def get_emitter(config): '''Get an emitter based on the provided config. The available emitter type names and their classes are: * ``kafka``: :py:class:`KafkaEmitter` * ``database``: :py:class:`DatabaseEmitter` * ``null``: :py:class:`NullEmitter` * ``timeseries``: :py:class:`TimeSeriesEmitter` Arguments: config (dict): Requires three keys: * type: Type of emitter ('kafka' for a kafka emitter). * emitter: Any configuration the emitter type requires to initialize. * keys: A list of state keys to emit for each state label. Returns: Emitter: An instantiated emitter. ''' if config is None: config = {'type': 'print'} emitter_type = config.get('type', 'print') if emitter_type == 'kafka': emitter = KafkaEmitter(config) elif emitter_type == 'database': emitter = DatabaseEmitter(config) elif emitter_type == 'null': emitter = NullEmitter(config) elif emitter_type == 'timeseries': emitter = TimeSeriesEmitter(config) else: emitter = Emitter(config) return emitter
[docs]def configure_emitter(config, processes, topology): emitter_config = config.get('emitter', {}) emitter_config['keys'] = get_emitter_keys(processes, topology) emitter_config['experiment_id'] = config.get('experiment_id') emitter_config['simulation_id'] = config.get('simulation_id') return get_emitter(emitter_config)
[docs]def path_timeseries_from_data(data): embedded_timeseries = timeseries_from_data(data) return path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries(embedded_timeseries)
[docs]def path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries(embedded_timeseries): times_vector = embedded_timeseries['time'] path_timeseries = make_path_dict({key: value for key, value in embedded_timeseries.items() if key != 'time'}) path_timeseries['time'] = times_vector return path_timeseries
[docs]def time_indexed_timeseries_from_data(data): times_vector = list(data.keys()) embedded_timeseries = {} for time_index, (time, value) in enumerate(data.items()): if isinstance(value, dict): embedded_timeseries = value_in_embedded_dict(value, embedded_timeseries, time_index) else: pass embedded_timeseries['time'] = times_vector return embedded_timeseries
[docs]def timeseries_from_data(data): times_vector = list(data.keys()) embedded_timeseries = {} for time, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): embedded_timeseries = value_in_embedded_dict(value, embedded_timeseries) else: pass embedded_timeseries['time'] = times_vector return embedded_timeseries
[docs]class Emitter(object): ''' Emit data to terminal ''' def __init__(self, config): self.config = config
[docs] def emit(self, data): print(data)
[docs] def get_data(self): return []
[docs] def get_path_timeseries(self): return path_timeseries_from_data(self.get_data())
[docs] def get_timeseries(self): return timeseries_from_data(self.get_data())
[docs]class NullEmitter(Emitter): ''' Don't emit anything '''
[docs] def emit(self, data): pass
[docs]class TimeSeriesEmitter(Emitter): def __init__(self, config): keys = config.get('keys', {}) self.saved_data = {}
[docs] def emit(self, data): # save history data if data['table'] == 'history': emit_data = data['data'] time = emit_data.pop('time') self.saved_data[time] = emit_data
[docs] def get_data(self): return self.saved_data
[docs]class KafkaEmitter(Emitter): ''' Emit data to kafka Example: >>> config = { ... 'host': 'localhost:9092', ... 'topic': 'EMIT', ... } >>> emitter = KafkaEmitter(config) ''' def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.producer = Producer({ 'bootstrap.servers': self.config['host']})
[docs] def emit(self, data): encoded = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') self.producer.produce( self.config['topic'], encoded, callback=delivery_report) self.producer.flush(timeout=0.1)
[docs]class DatabaseEmitter(Emitter): ''' Emit data to a mongoDB database Example: >>> config = { ... 'host': 'localhost:27017', ... 'database': 'DB_NAME', ... } >>> # The line below works only if you have to have 27017 open locally >>> # emitter = DatabaseEmitter(config) ''' client = None default_host = 'localhost:27017' def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.experiment_id = config.get('experiment_id') # create singleton instance of mongo client if DatabaseEmitter.client is None: DatabaseEmitter.client = MongoClient(config.get('host', self.default_host)) self.db = getattr(self.client, config.get('database', 'simulations')) self.history = getattr(self.db, 'history') self.configuration = getattr(self.db, 'configuration') self.phylogeny = getattr(self.db, 'phylogeny') create_indexes(self.history, HISTORY_INDEXES) create_indexes(self.configuration, CONFIGURATION_INDEXES) create_indexes(self.phylogeny, CONFIGURATION_INDEXES)
[docs] def emit(self, data_config): data = data_config['data'] data.update({ 'experiment_id': self.experiment_id}) table = getattr(self.db, data_config['table']) table.insert_one(data)
[docs] def get_data(self): return get_history_data_db(self.history, self.experiment_id)
[docs]def get_history_data_db(history_collection, experiment_id): query = {'experiment_id': experiment_id} raw_data = history_collection.find(query) raw_data = list(raw_data) data = {} for datum in raw_data: time = datum['time'] data[time] = { key: value for key, value in datum.items() if key not in ['_id', 'experiment_id', 'time']} return data
[docs]def get_atlas_client(secrets_path): with open(secrets_path, 'r') as f: secrets = json.load(f) emitter_config = get_atlas_database_emitter_config( **secrets['database']) uri = emitter_config['host'] client = MongoClient(uri) return client[emitter_config['database']]
[docs]def get_local_client(host, port, database_name): client = MongoClient('{}:{}'.format(host, port)) return client[database_name]
[docs]def data_from_database(experiment_id, client): # Retrieve environment config config_collection = client.configuration environment_config = config_collection.find_one({ 'experiment_id': experiment_id, 'type': 'environment_config', }) # Retrieve timepoint data history_collection = client.history unique_time_objs = history_collection.aggregate([ { '$match': { 'experiment_id': experiment_id } }, { '$group': { '_id': { 'time': '$time' }, 'id': { '$first': '$_id' } } }, { '$sort': { '_id.time': 1 } }, ]) unique_time_ids = [ obj['id'] for obj in unique_time_objs ] data_cursor = history_collection.find({ '_id': { '$in': unique_time_ids } }).sort('time') raw_data = list(data_cursor) # Reshape data data = { timepoint_dict['time']: { key: val for key, val in timepoint_dict.items() if key != 'time' } for timepoint_dict in raw_data } return data, environment_config
[docs]def get_atlas_database_emitter_config( username, password, cluster_subdomain, database ): username = quote_plus(username) password = quote_plus(password) database = quote_plus(database) uri = ( "mongodb+srv://{}:{}@{}" + "?retryWrites=true&w=majority" ).format(username, password, cluster_subdomain) return { 'type': 'database', 'host': uri, 'database': database, }
[docs]def emit_environment_config(environment_config, emitter): config = { 'bounds': environment_config['multibody']['bounds'], 'type': 'environment_config', } emitter.emit({ 'data': config, 'table': 'configuration', })