Source code for vivarium.library.polymerize

import random

import numpy as np
import logging as log

from vivarium.library.datum import Datum

INFINITY = float('inf')

[docs]def flatten(l): ''' Flatten a list by one level: [[1, 2, 3], [[4, 5], 6], [7]] --> [1, 2, 3, [4, 5], 6, 7] ''' return [ item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
[docs]def add_merge(ds): ''' Given a list of dicts, sum the values of each key. ''' result = {} for d in ds: for key, value in d.items(): if not key in result: result[key] = 0 result[key] += value return result
[docs]def kinetics(E, S, kcat, km): return kcat * E * S / (S + km)
[docs]class Polymerase(Datum): defaults = { 'id': 0, 'state': None, # other states: ['bound', 'polymerizing', 'complete'] 'position': 0, 'template': None, 'template_index': 0, 'terminator': 0} def __init__(self, config): super(Polymerase, self).__init__(config)
[docs] def bind(self): self.state = 'bound'
[docs] def start_polymerizing(self): self.state = 'occluding'
[docs] def complete(self): self.state = 'complete'
# print('completing polymerization: {}'.format(self.to_dict()))
[docs] def is_bound(self): return self.state == 'bound'
[docs] def is_polymerizing(self): return self.state == 'occluding' or self.state == 'polymerizing'
[docs] def is_complete(self): return self.state == 'complete'
[docs] def is_occluding(self): return self.state == 'bound' or self.state == 'occluding'
[docs] def is_unoccluding(self, occlusion): return self.state == 'occluding' and self.position >= occlusion
[docs] def unocclude(self): if self.state == 'occluding': self.state = 'polymerizing'
[docs]class BindingSite(Datum): defaults = { 'position': 0, 'length': 0, 'thresholds': {}} # (factor, threshold) def __init__(self, config): super(BindingSite, self).__init__(config)
[docs] def state_when(self, levels): ''' Provide the binding state for the given levels of factors. ''' state = None for factor, threshold in self.thresholds.items(): if levels[factor] >= threshold: state = factor break return state
[docs]class Terminator(Datum): defaults = { 'position': 0, 'strength': 0, 'products': []} def __init__(self, config): super(Terminator, self).__init__(config)
[docs] def between(self, before, after): return before < self.position < after or after < self.position < before
[docs]class Template(Datum): schema = { 'sites': BindingSite, 'terminators': Terminator} defaults = { 'id': None, 'position': 0, 'direction': 1, 'sites': [], 'terminators': []} def __init__(self, config): super(Template, self).__init__(config) self.terminator_strength = 0 for terminator in self.terminators: self.terminator_strength += terminator.strength
[docs] def absolute_position(self, relative_position): return self.position + (relative_position * self.direction)
[docs] def binding_state(self, levels): state = [ site.state_when(levels) for site in self.sites] return tuple([] + state)
[docs] def strength_from(self, terminator_index): total = 0 for index in range(terminator_index, len(self.terminators)): total += self.terminators[index].strength return total
[docs] def next_terminator(self, position): for index, terminator in enumerate(self.terminators): if terminator.position * self.direction > position * self.direction: break return index
[docs] def last_terminator(self): return self.terminators[-1]
[docs] def terminates_at(self, index=0): if len(self.terminators[index:]) > 1: choice = random.random() * self.strength_from(index) return choice <= self.terminators[index].strength else: return True
[docs] def choose_terminator(self, index=0): if len(self.terminators[index:]) > 1: choice = random.random() * self.strength_from(index) for terminator in self.terminators[index:]: if choice <= terminator.strength: break else: choice -= terminator.strength return terminator else: return self.terminators[index]
[docs] def choose_product(self): terminator = self.choose_terminator() return terminator.products
[docs] def products(self): return flatten([ terminator.products for terminator in self.terminators])
[docs]def generate_template(id, length, products): return { 'id': id, 'position': 0, 'direction': 1, 'sites': [], 'terminators': [ {'position': length, 'strength': 1.0, 'products': products}]}
[docs]def all_products(templates): return list(set([ product for template in templates.values() for product in template.products()]))
[docs]def template_products(config): return all_products({ key: Template(config) for key, config in config.items()})
[docs]def polymerize_step( sequences, polymerases, templates, symbol_to_monomer, monomer_limits): complete_polymers = { product: 0 for product in all_products(templates)} monomers = { monomer: 0 for monomer in monomer_limits.keys()} terminated = 0 for polymerase in polymerases.values(): if polymerase.is_polymerizing(): template = templates[polymerase.template] projection = polymerase.position + 1 try: monomer_symbol = sequences[][polymerase.position] except IndexError as e: log.error('index beyond sequence: polymerase - {} template - {}'.format( polymerase, template)) monomer_symbol = random.choice(list(symbol_to_monomer.keys())) monomer = symbol_to_monomer[monomer_symbol] if monomer_limits[monomer] > 0: monomer_limits[monomer] -= 1 monomers[monomer] += 1 polymerase.position = projection absolute_position = template.absolute_position( polymerase.position) terminator = template.terminators[polymerase.terminator] if terminator.position == absolute_position: if template.terminates_at(polymerase.terminator): polymerase.complete() terminated += 1 for product in terminator.products: complete_polymers[product] += 1 else: polymerase.terminator += 1 polymerases = { id: polymerase for id, polymerase in polymerases.items() if not polymerase.is_complete()} return monomers, monomer_limits, terminated, complete_polymers, polymerases
[docs]def polymerize_to( sequences, polymerases, templates, additions, symbol_to_monomer, monomer_limits): for step in range(additions): monomers, monomer_limits, terminated, complete_polymers, polymerases = polymerize_step( sequences, polymerases, templates, symbol_to_monomer, monomer_limits) return monomers, monomer_limits, terminated, complete_polymers, polymerases
[docs]class Elongation(object): def __init__( self, sequence, templates, limits, symbol_to_monomer, elongation=0): self.sequence = sequence self.templates = templates self.time = 0 self.monomers = {} self.symbol_to_monomer = symbol_to_monomer self.complete_polymers = {} self.previous_elongations = int(elongation) self.elongation = elongation self.limits = limits
[docs] def step(self, interval, limits, polymerases): self.time += interval monomers, limits, terminated, complete, polymerases = polymerize_step( self.sequence, polymerases, self.templates, self.symbol_to_monomer, limits) self.monomers = add_merge([self.monomers, monomers]) self.complete_polymers = add_merge([ self.complete_polymers, complete]) return terminated, limits, polymerases
[docs] def store_partial(self, interval): self.elongation += interval
[docs] def elongate_to(self, now, rate, limits, polymerases): ''' Track increments of time and accumulate partial elongations, emitting the full elongation once a unit is attained. Returns number of polymerases that terminated this step, and the updated monomer limits after all elongations. ''' progress = rate * (now - self.time) self.elongation += progress elongations = int(self.elongation) - self.previous_elongations self.time = now terminated = 0 if elongations: monomers, limits, terminated, complete, polymerases = polymerize_to( self.sequence, polymerases, self.templates, elongations, self.symbol_to_monomer, limits) self.monomers = add_merge([self.monomers, monomers]) self.complete_polymers = add_merge([ self.complete_polymers, complete]) self.previous_elongations = int(self.elongation) return terminated, limits, polymerases
[docs] def complete(self): return len(self.complete_polymers)
[docs]def build_double_stoichiometry(promoter_count): ''' Builds a stoichiometry for the given promoters. There are two states per promoter, open and bound, and two reactions per promoter, binding and unbinding. In addition there is a single substrate for available RNAP in the final index. Here we are assuming ''' stoichiometry = np.zeros((promoter_count * 2, promoter_count * 2 + 1), dtype=np.int64) for index in range(promoter_count): # forward reaction stoichiometry[index][index] = -1 stoichiometry[index][index + promoter_count] = 1 stoichiometry[index][-1] = -1 # forward reaction consumes RNAP also # reverse reaction stoichiometry[index + promoter_count][index] = 1 stoichiometry[index + promoter_count][index + promoter_count] = -1 return stoichiometry
[docs]def build_double_rates(affinities, advancement): return np.concatenate([ affinities, np.repeat(advancement, len(affinities))])
[docs]def build_stoichiometry(promoter_count): ''' Builds a stoichiometry for the given promoters. There are two states per promoter, open and bound, and two reactions per promoter, binding and unbinding. In addition there is a single substrate for available RNAP in the final index. Here we are assuming ''' stoichiometry = np.zeros((promoter_count, promoter_count * 2 + 1), dtype=np.int64) for index in range(promoter_count): # forward reaction stoichiometry[index][index] = -1 stoichiometry[index][index + promoter_count] = 1 stoichiometry[index][-1] = -1 # forward reaction consumes RNAP also return stoichiometry