Source code for vivarium.processes.death

Model of Conditional Cell Death

Fully-capitalized words and phrases have the meanings specified in

This module holds machinery for modeling cell death that is conditioned
on the state of the cell. This machinery consists of *death detector
classes* and *death process classes*.

Death Detector Classes

Death detector classes encode a model (which may be configured upon
instantiation) for when a cell should die. These classes can be
instantiated to give death detectors, which are used by the death
processes we describe below.

Death detector classes MUST subclass :py:class:`DetectorInterface` and
implement :py:meth:`DetectorInterface.check_can_survive` as specified in
its documentation.

Death Process Classes

During a simulation, death is executed by a death :term:`process`, whose
model is declared in a death :term:`process class`. Each of these
process classes SHOULD use a death detector, as detailed above, to
determine when the cell should die. The mechanism by which the cell's
death is modeled depends on the form of death being modeled. For an
example, see :py:class:`DeathFreezeState`.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os

from vivarium.core.composition import (
from vivarium.core.process import Process, Generator


[docs]class DetectorInterface(object): '''Interface that MUST be subclassed by all death detectors Each subclass SHOULD check for a condition that might kill the cell. For an example of a death detector class, see :py:class:`AntibioticDetector`. ''' def __init__(self): self.needed_state_keys = {}
[docs] def check_can_survive(self, states): '''Check whether the current state is survivable by the cell Each subclass MUST implement this method. The implementation SHOULD check whether the cell can survive given its current state. Arguments: states (dict): The states of each port in the cell, as a dictionary. Returns: bool: True if the cell can survive, False if it cannot. ''' raise NotImplementedError( 'Detector should implement check_can_survive')
[docs]class AntibioticDetector(DetectorInterface): def __init__( self, antibiotic_threshold=0.9, antibiotic_key='antibiotic' ): '''Death detector for antibiotics Checks whether the cell can survive the current internal antibiotic concentrations. Arguments: antibiotic_threshold (float): The maximum internal antibiotic concentration the cell can survive. antibiotic_key (str): The name of the variable storing the cell's internal antibiotic concentration. ''' super(AntibioticDetector, self).__init__() self.threshold = antibiotic_threshold self.key = antibiotic_key self.needed_state_keys.setdefault( 'internal', set()).add(antibiotic_key)
[docs] def check_can_survive(self, states): '''Checks if the current antibiotic concentration is survivable The internal antibiotic concentration MUST be stored in a variable of a port named ``internal``. Returns: bool: False if the antibiotic concentration is strictly greater than the the threshold. True otherwise. ''' concentration = states['internal'][self.key] if concentration > self.threshold: return False return True
#: Map from detector class names to detector classes DETECTOR_CLASSES = { 'antibiotic': AntibioticDetector, }
[docs]class DeathFreezeState(Process): name = 'death' def __init__(self, initial_parameters=None): '''Model Death by Removing Processes This process class models death by, with a few exceptions, freezing the internal state of the cell. We implement this by removing from this process's :term:`compartment` all processes, specified with the ``targets`` configuration. Configuration: * **``detectors``**: A list of the names of the detector classes to include. Death will be triggered if any one of these triggers death. Names are specified in :py:const:`DETECTOR_CLASSES`. * **``targets``**: A list of the names of the processes that will be removed when the cell dies. The names are specified in the compartment's :term:`topology`. :term:`Ports`: * **``internal``**: The internal state of the cell. * **``global``**: Should be linked to the ``global`` :term:`store`. * **``processes``**: Should be linked to the store that has the processes as children. ''' if initial_parameters is None: initial_parameters = {} self.detectors = [ DETECTOR_CLASSES[name](**config_dict) for name, config_dict in initial_parameters.get( 'detectors', {}).items() ] # List of names of processes that will be removed upon death self.targets = initial_parameters.get('targets', []) super(DeathFreezeState, self).__init__(initial_parameters)
[docs] def ports_schema(self): schema = {'global': {}} # global schema['global']['dead'] = { '_default': 0, '_emit': True, '_updater': 'set' } schema['processes'] = { target: { '_default': None } for target in self.targets } # detector ports for detector in self.detectors: needed_keys = detector.needed_state_keys for port, states in needed_keys.items(): if port not in schema: schema[port] = {} for state in states: schema[port][state] = {'_default': 0} return schema
[docs] def next_update(self, timestep, states): '''If any detector triggers death, kill the cell When we kill the cell, we convey this by setting the ``dead`` variable in the ``global`` port to ``1`` instead of its default ``0``. ''' for detector in self.detectors: if not detector.check_can_survive(states): # kill the cell update = { 'global': { 'dead': 1, }, 'processes': { '_delete': [ (target,) for target in self.targets ], }, } return update return {}
[docs]class ToyAntibioticInjector(Process): name = 'toy_antibiotic_injector' def __init__(self, initial_parameters=None): if initial_parameters is None: initial_parameters = {} self.injection_rate = initial_parameters.get( 'injection_rate', 1.0) self.antibiotic_name = initial_parameters.get( 'antibiotic_name', 'antibiotic') super(ToyAntibioticInjector, self).__init__(initial_parameters)
[docs] def ports_schema(self): return { 'internal': { self.antibiotic_name: { '_default': 0.0, '_emit': True}}}
[docs] def next_update(self, timestep, states): delta = timestep * self.injection_rate return {'internal': {self.antibiotic_name: delta}}
[docs]class ToyDeath(Generator):
[docs] def generate_processes(self, config): death_parameters = { 'detectors': { 'antibiotic': { 'antibiotic_threshold': TOY_ANTIBIOTIC_THRESHOLD, } }, 'targets': ['injector', 'death'], } death_process = DeathFreezeState(death_parameters) injector_parameters = { 'injection_rate': TOY_INJECTION_RATE, } injector_process = ToyAntibioticInjector(injector_parameters) enduring_parameters = { 'injection_rate': TOY_INJECTION_RATE, 'antibiotic_name': 'enduring_antibiotic' } enduring_process = ToyAntibioticInjector(enduring_parameters) return { 'death': death_process, 'injector': injector_process, 'enduring_injector': enduring_process, }
[docs] def generate_topology(self, config): return { 'death': { 'internal': ('cell',), 'global': ('global',), 'processes': tuple(), }, 'injector': { 'internal': ('cell',), }, 'enduring_injector': { 'internal': ('cell',), }, }
[docs]def test_death_freeze_state(end_time=10, asserts=True): toy_death_compartment = ToyDeath({}) init_state = { 'cell': { 'antibiotic': 0.0, 'enduring_antibiotic': 0.0}, 'global': { 'dead': 0}} settings = { 'total_time': end_time, 'initial_state': init_state} saved_states = simulate_compartment_in_experiment( toy_death_compartment, settings) if asserts: # Add 1 because dies when antibiotic strictly above threshold expected_death = 1 + TOY_ANTIBIOTIC_THRESHOLD // TOY_INJECTION_RATE expected_saved_states = { 'cell': { 'antibiotic': [], 'enduring_antibiotic': [], }, 'global': { 'dead': [], }, 'time': [], } for time in range(end_time + 1): expected_saved_states['cell']['antibiotic'].append( time * TOY_INJECTION_RATE if time <= expected_death # Add one because death will only be detected # the iteration after antibiotic above # threshold. This happens because death and # injector run "concurrently" in the composite, # so their updates are applied after both have # finished. else (expected_death + 1) * TOY_INJECTION_RATE ) expected_saved_states['cell']['enduring_antibiotic'].append( time * TOY_INJECTION_RATE) expected_saved_states['global']['dead'].append( 0 if time <= expected_death else 1) expected_saved_states['time'].append(float(time)) assert expected_saved_states == saved_states return saved_states
[docs]def plot_death_freeze_state_test(): out_dir = os.path.join(PROCESS_OUT_DIR, 'death_freeze_state') if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) timeseries = test_death_freeze_state(asserts=False) plot_settings = {} plot_simulation_output(timeseries, plot_settings, out_dir)
if __name__ == '__main__': plot_death_freeze_state_test()