Source code for vivarium.processes.derive_colony_shape

Colony Shape Deriver

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import alphashape
import numpy as np
from pytest import approx
from shapely.geometry.collection import GeometryCollection
from shapely.geometry.linestring import LineString
from shapely.geometry.multipolygon import MultiPolygon
from shapely.geometry.point import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon

from vivarium.core.experiment import get_in
from vivarium.core.process import Deriver
from vivarium.library.units import units
from vivarium.core.registry import assert_no_divide

[docs]class Variables(): AREA = 'surface_area' MASS = 'mass' CIRCUMFERENCE = 'circumference' MAJOR_AXIS = 'major_axis' MINOR_AXIS = 'minor_axis'
[docs]def major_minor_axes(shape): '''Calculate the lengths of the major and minor axes of a shape We assume that the major and minor axes are the dimensions of the minimum bounding rectangle of the shape. Note that this is different from using PCA to find the axes, especially for highly asymmetrical and concave shapes. Arguments: shape (shapely.polygon.Polygon): The shape to compute axes for. Returns: tuple: A tuple with the major axis first and the minor axis second. ''' rect = shape.minimum_rotated_rectangle points = list(rect.exterior.coords) points = [np.array(point) for point in points] # Shapely returns polygon coordinates in the order in which they # would appear while traversing the boundary, so we know that any 3 # consecutive points span the major and minor axes dimension_1 = abs(np.linalg.norm(points[1] - points[0])) dimension_2 = abs(np.linalg.norm(points[2] - points[1])) major = max(dimension_1, dimension_2) minor = min(dimension_1, dimension_2) return major, minor
[docs]def gen_agent_colony_map(agents, colony_shapes): '''Create a map from agent to the colony to which the agent belongs An agent is considered within a colony if its ``location`` :term:`variable` intersects with the colony's interior or border. If an agent intersects with multiple colonies, we choose arbitrarily which colony the agent belongs to. Points containing any nan coordinate are considered to be outside of all shapes. .. note:: An agent may be part of no colony at all, in which case it will not be included in the returned map. Arguments: agents (dict): Dictionary of ``agents`` :term:`port` state whose keys are agent IDs and whose values are agent state dictionaries. colony_shapes (list): List of polygons that define the colonies. Returns: dict: Map from agent ID to index of colony in ``colony_shapes``. ''' agent_colony_map = {} for agent_id, agent_state in agents.items(): loc = agent_state['boundary']['location'] if np.any(np.isnan(loc)): continue point = Point(*loc) for i, colony_shape in enumerate(colony_shapes): if colony_shape.intersects(point): agent_colony_map[agent_id] = i break return agent_colony_map
[docs]class ColonyShapeDeriver(Deriver): '''Derives colony shape metrics from cell locations ''' name = 'colony_shape_deriver' defaults = { 'alpha': 1.0, 'bounds': [1, 1], }
[docs] def ports_schema(self): return { 'agents': { '*': { 'boundary': { 'location': { '_default': [ 0.5 * bound for bound in self.parameters['bounds'] ], }, 'mass': { '_default': 1339 * units.fg, }, }, }, }, 'colony_global': { 'surface_area': { '_default': [], '_updater': 'set', '_divider': assert_no_divide, '_emit': True, }, 'major_axis': { '_default': [], '_updater': 'set', '_divider': assert_no_divide, '_emit': True, }, 'minor_axis': { '_default': [], '_updater': 'set', '_divider': assert_no_divide, '_emit': True, }, 'mass': { '_default': [], '_updater': 'set', '_divider': assert_no_divide, '_emit': True, }, 'circumference': { '_default': [], '_updater': 'set', '_divider': assert_no_divide, '_emit': True, } }, }
[docs] def next_update(self, timestep, states): agents = states['agents'] points = [ agent['boundary']['location'] for agent in agents.values() ] points = [tuple(point) for point in points if np.all(~np.isnan(point))] alpha_shape = alphashape.alphashape( set(points), self.parameters['alpha']) if isinstance(alpha_shape, Polygon): shapes = [alpha_shape] elif isinstance(alpha_shape, (Point, LineString)): # We need at least 3 cells to form a colony polygon shapes = [] else: assert isinstance( alpha_shape, (MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection)) shapes = list(alpha_shape) agent_colony_map = gen_agent_colony_map(agents, shapes) # Calculate colony surface areas areas = [shape.area for shape in shapes] # Calculate colony major and minor axes based on bounding # rectangles major_axes = [] minor_axes = [] for shape in shapes: if isinstance(shape, Polygon): major, minor = major_minor_axes(shape) major_axes.append(major) minor_axes.append(minor) else: major_axes.append(0) minor_axes.append(0) # Calculate colony circumference circumference = [shape.length for shape in shapes] # Calculate colony masses and cell surface areas mass = [0] * len(shapes) cell_area = [0] * len(shapes) for agent_id, agent_state in agents.items(): if agent_id not in agent_colony_map: # We ignore agents not in any colony continue colony_index = agent_colony_map[agent_id] agent_mass = get_in(agent_state, ('boundary', 'mass'), 0) mass[colony_index] += agent_mass return { 'colony_global': { 'surface_area': areas, 'major_axis': major_axes, 'minor_axis': minor_axes, 'circumference': circumference, 'mass': mass, } }
[docs]class TestDeriveColonyShape():
[docs] def calc_shape_metrics(self, points, alpha=None): config = {} if alpha is not None: config['alpha'] = alpha deriver = ColonyShapeDeriver(config) states = { 'agents': { str(i): { 'boundary': { 'location': list(point), 'mass': 1.0 * units.fg, }, } for i, point in enumerate(points) }, 'colony_global': { 'surface_area': [], 'major_axis': [], 'minor_axis': [], 'circumference': [], } } # Timestep does not matter update = deriver.next_update(-1, states) return update['colony_global']
[docs] def flatten(self, lst): return [ elem for sublist in lst for elem in sublist ]
[docs] def test_convex(self): # * # / \ # * * * # \ / # * points = [ (1, 2), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 0), ] metrics = self.calc_shape_metrics(points) assert metrics['surface_area'] == [2] assert metrics['major_axis'] == approx([np.sqrt(2)]) assert metrics['minor_axis'] == approx([np.sqrt(2)]) assert metrics['circumference'] == approx([4 * np.sqrt(2)]) assert metrics['mass'] == [5 * units.fg]
[docs] def test_concave(self): # *-*-*-*-* # | | # * * *-*-* # | / # * * # | \ # * * *-*-* # | | # *-*-*-*-* points = ( [(i, 4) for i in range(5)] + [(i, 3) for i in range(5)] + [(i, 2) for i in range(2)] + [(i, 1) for i in range(5)] + [(i, 0) for i in range(5)] ) metrics = self.calc_shape_metrics(points) assert metrics['surface_area'] == [11] assert metrics['major_axis'] == [4] assert metrics['minor_axis'] == [4] assert metrics['circumference'] == approx([18 + 2 * np.sqrt(2)]) assert metrics['mass'] == [22 * units.fg]
[docs] def test_ignore_outliers_and_nan(self): # * # / \ # * * * * # \ / # * points = [ (1, 2), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (10, 1), (1, 0), (np.nan, np.nan), ] metrics = self.calc_shape_metrics(points) assert metrics['surface_area'] == [2] assert metrics['major_axis'] == approx([np.sqrt(2)]) assert metrics['minor_axis'] == approx([np.sqrt(2)]) assert metrics['circumference'] == approx([4 * np.sqrt(2)]) assert metrics['mass'] == [5 * units.fg]
[docs] def test_colony_too_diffuse(self): # * # # * * # # * points = [ (1, 2), (0, 1), (2, 1), (1, 0), ] metrics = self.calc_shape_metrics(points) expected_metrics = { 'surface_area': [], 'major_axis': [], 'minor_axis': [], 'circumference': [], 'mass': [], } assert metrics == expected_metrics
[docs] def test_single_cell(self): # # * # points = [ (1, 1), ] metrics = self.calc_shape_metrics(points) expected_metrics = { 'surface_area': [], 'major_axis': [], 'minor_axis': [], 'circumference': [], 'mass': [], } assert metrics == expected_metrics
[docs] def test_two_cells(self): # # * * # points = [ (0, 1), (2, 1), ] metrics = self.calc_shape_metrics(points) expected_metrics = { 'surface_area': [], 'major_axis': [], 'minor_axis': [], 'circumference': [], 'mass': [], } assert metrics == expected_metrics
[docs] def test_no_cells(self): points = [] metrics = self.calc_shape_metrics(points) expected_metrics = { 'surface_area': [], 'major_axis': [], 'minor_axis': [], 'circumference': [], 'mass': [], } assert metrics == expected_metrics
[docs] def test_find_multiple_colonies(self): # * * # / \ / \ # * * * * * * # \ / \ / # * * points = [ (1, 2), (11, 2), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (10, 1), (11, 1), (12, 1), (1, 0), (11, 0), ] metrics = self.calc_shape_metrics(points) assert metrics['surface_area'] == [2, 2] assert metrics['major_axis'] == approx([np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2)]) assert metrics['minor_axis'] == approx([np.sqrt(2), np.sqrt(2)]) assert metrics['circumference'] == approx([4 * np.sqrt(2)] * 2) assert metrics['mass'] == [5 * units.fg] * 2