Source code for vivarium.processes.growth

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os

import numpy as np

from vivarium.library.units import units
from vivarium.core.process import Process
from vivarium.core.composition import (

NAME = 'growth'

[docs]class Growth(Process): """The Growth :term:`process class` models exponential cell growth. The cell's mass :math:`m_{t + h}` at time :math:`t + h` for :term:`timestep` :math:`h` and with growth rate :math:`r` is modeled as: .. math:: m_{t + h} = m_t e^{rh} Configuration Options: * ``growth_rate``: The cell's growth rate :math:`r`. This rate is 0.0006 by default. .. todo:: Why is the rate 0.0006? Example Usage: >>> import math >>> TIMESTEP = 1.0 # in seconds >>> # growth rate chosen so mass doubles each timestep >>> configuration = {'growth_rate': math.log(2.0)} >>> growth_process = Growth(configuration) >>> state = growth_process.default_state() >>> # the initial mass magnitude (femtograms) >>> mass = state['global']['mass'].magnitude >>> mass 1339 >>> update = growth_process.next_update(TIMESTEP, state) >>> # the new mass magnitude (femtograms) >>> new_mass = update['global']['mass'].magnitude >>> new_mass 2678.0 >>> new_mass / mass 2.0 """ name = NAME defaults = { 'growth_rate': 0.0006, 'global_deriver_key': 'global_deriver', } def __init__(self, initial_parameters=None): if initial_parameters is None: initial_parameters = {} self.growth_rate = self.or_default(initial_parameters, 'growth_rate') self.global_deriver_key = self.or_default(initial_parameters, 'global_deriver_key') parameters = { 'growth_rate': self.growth_rate} parameters.update(initial_parameters) super(Growth, self).__init__(parameters)
[docs] def ports_schema(self): return { 'global': { 'mass': { '_emit': True, '_default': 1339 * units.fg, '_updater': 'set', '_divider': 'split'}, 'volume': { '_updater': 'set', '_divider': 'split'}, 'divide': { '_default': False, '_updater': 'set'}}}
[docs] def derivers(self): return { self.global_deriver_key: { 'deriver': 'globals_deriver', 'port_mapping': { 'global': 'global'}, 'config': { 'width': 1.0}}}
[docs] def next_update(self, timestep, states): mass = states['global']['mass'] new_mass = mass * np.exp(self.parameters['growth_rate'] * timestep) return { 'global': { 'mass': new_mass}}
if __name__ == '__main__': out_dir = os.path.join(PROCESS_OUT_DIR, NAME) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) growth = Growth({}) settings = {'total_time': 10} timeseries = simulate_process_in_experiment(growth, settings) plot_simulation_output(timeseries, {}, out_dir)